Saturday, May 10, 2014

10 foods that keep you hale and hearty

Hey guys! :-)

As I might have told some of you before, I am living in a dorm in Graz and therefore cooking for myself. I always try to have lots of vegetables, fruit and other nutritious crops. I've been browsing through the web a lot lately and found some interesting information about foods that are essential for a healthy diet:

1. Green Tea benefits: Reduces skin damage, reduces level of stress, ideal for losing weight

Green tea consists of certain antioxidants that prevent cell damage and slow down skin aging. According to a Swiss study, people's brains were much more active in the working and memory areas when drinking green tea. Additionally, green tea allows you to calm down and relax. A Japanese study found out that the levels of stress were 20% lower in people who drank green tea than in people who did not. Green tea is a smart substitution for sugary drinks and therefore ideal for losing weight. That is because green tea changes the metabolism so that more calories are burnt.

Tip: Green tea should not be prepared with hot boiling water, but rather with water between 160 and 170 degrees. Otherwise, some important vitamins and antioxidants get lost. Adding one or two slices of lemon would be a good idea. Lemons contain loads of vitamin C which make the compounds of green tea way easier to absorb. Make sure not to combine green tea with dairy products (like milk or yogurt), as they make the absorbing process harder for your stomach.

2. Dark Chocolate benefits: Decreases fatigue, reduces level of stress, helps treat depression, relieves menstrual cramps

According to a recent research, 1.5 ounces (some 28 grams) of dark chocolate a day for two weeks immensely reduces the stress level. Milk chocolates can be helpful as well, but not as much as the dark one. Chocolate contains antioxidants which are better absorbed without milk added. Besides, studies have shown that eating a few pieces of dark chocolate three times a week can lower blood pressure. It also improves the blood flow resulting in a significant decrease of risk of arteriosclerosis.
As you might be aware of already, chocolate makes you happy and boosts your mood. Chocolate even contains substances that could potentially make you high. But you would have to eat between 20 and 30 kg (200 to 300 bars of chocolate) to eventually become high!

Tip: Keep in mind that dark chocolate, or chocolate in general, should be consumpted in moderation because it is high in sugar. 

3. Bananas benefits: Lowers blood pressure, helps reduce incontincene, relieves menstrual cramps, regulates blood pressure, promotes bone health

Bananas have a lot of health benefits. To illustrate, it prevents the bones from becoming thin and weak. Additionally, according to a study, fresh bananas protect the stomach from developing wounds or even ulcers. That is because bananas promote the production of a thicker mucus that prevents stomach acids. Bananas are also helpful for elimination problems and diarrhoea. By containing a high amount of pectin and fiber, bananas help normalize the movement of the digestive tracts and therefore ease constipation. Consuming three or more fruits per day reduces the risk of age-related vision loss. Especially bananas are fruit that protect your eye sight.

4. Whole grains benefits: Increase concentration, ideal for losing weight

Whole grains like wheat, oats, einkorn or quinoa are ideal for losing weight. When trying to lose weight, products like whole wheat flour, bread or pasta can be really helpful. What's more is that whole grains boost concentration, especially when you have whole grain cereals for breakfast. It helps you to stay focused. Skipping breakfast results in poor concentration and fatigue, so try to have breakfast every day. In addition, whole grains reduce the risk of diabetes.

Quinoa: Quinoa is packed with proteins, magnesium and iron and a grain crop that is easily digestible. What's more is that Quinoa is gluten-free and helps relieve migraines. The NASA considered Quinoa an optimal crop for long-duration space flights.

Oats: Oats is a cholesterol-lowering grain that consist of calcium, magnesium and other essential vitamins. Basically, oats lack gluten. They are, however, grown next to wheat and other grains so that they are contaminated with glutens. So officially, oats is a gluten-containing crop.

Tip: What about starting the day with a healthy and delicious porridge?

5. Yogurt benefits: Helps relieve indigestion, prevents osteoporosis

Yogurt is rich in bacteria and calcium that helps your stomach digest and reduce constipation and diarrhoea. Along with that, yogurt lowers the risk of osteoporosis, which is an illness that weakens bones and increases the risk of unexpected fractures. Combined with vitamin D, yogurt has a positive effect on bone mass. Vitamin D can be found in eggs, oily fish like sardines and salmons or powdered milk. In some yogurts, vitamin D is already added.

Tip: Enjoy your yogurt with fruit as they contain a lot of vitamins and add a pleasing taste.

6. Maca benefits: Boosts concentration, prevents sexual dysfunction, promotes fertility

Maca, a root vegetable which looks similar to a radish, helps to balance hormones. Some consider it an aphrodisiac as it might also arouse sexual desire. The root helps women with menstrual problems and prepares them for pregnancy by supplying certain hormones. Moreover, maca serves as an energy and concentration boost.

The plant originally comes from Peru. Some hundred years ago, the Inca consumed maca as a vegetable due to its nutritional values. They boiled, fried, roasted or dried the root and even ate it to prevent lung problems. 7. Leafy greens

Health benefits: Boosts concentration, prevents cell damage

Leaf vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce, arugula, asparagus or cabbage are brimming with fiber and vitamin E. They help you to keep mentally focused and prevent your brain cells from damage. Leafy greens are low in calories and fat and high in proteins, magnesium and other vitamins. Especially spinach, which is known to be Popeye the Sailor's favourite vegetable, is rich in iron, calcium and other nutrients. Also cabbage is good for your digestion and heart and is believed to lower the risk of cancer. Generally speaking, leafy greens are very low in calories. One-half cup of cabbage, for instance, contains only 15 calories.

Tip: If you're not really fond of leaf vegetables, try to add them to dishes that you like. You might also want to try out new vegetables like Swiss chard, mustard greens, bok choy, celery, watercress, ...

8. Garlic benefits: Relieves common colds, protects blood cells, prevents sexual dysfunction

Garlic, also known as "the stinking rose" due to its pungent smell, reduces the chance of catching a cold and also helps to recover from a cold. What's more is that garlic boosts your mood and improves sexual performance. Besides, garlic is a great source or vitamin C and able to keep your blood pressure under control. By protecting your blood cells and vessels it prevents you to suffer from inflammatory.

Tip: It's most effective when you eat garlic raw.

9. Fish & Seafood benefits: Relieves common cold, relieves migraine, prevents sexual dysfunction

Fish and seafood strengthen your immune system and lessens the frequency of catching a cold. When having a cold or the flu, oily fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna help a lot. Fatty fish like sardines, herrings and trouts, however, reduce the frequency of migraines. Since Inuits have low levels of heart diseases, eating fish regularly might protect the heart and lower the amount of cholesterol. As you might know, fish contain Omega 3 which lowers the chance of inflammations, protects against Alzheimer and recudes the symptoms of ADHD.

Shellfish: By containing a great amount of vitamin B12 and zinc, shellfish reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Oysters: Oysters are rich in zinc and therefore also considered as a aphrodisiac.

10. Nuts benefits: lessens sleep problems, prevent coronary heart diseases

Nuts are loaded with vitamins which reduce the chance of suffering from a coronary heart disease. Most nuts might possibly be able to lower the risk of cancer, but that's not scientifically proven yet.
Walnuts: Especially walnuts improve the quality of sleep. Additionally, the fruit helps the body to protect itself against Parkinson, Alzheimer or type-II diabetes. Some important vitamins in walnuts cannot be found in any other food, which makes this kind of fruit quite special.
Almonds: While being rich in vitamin E, magnesium and calcium, almonds lower cholersterol and the risk of suffering a heart disease.

Tip: It's healthier to eat them raw and with the skin as more than 90% of the vitamins are found in the nuts' skins.


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  1. Awesome post! I knew that most of those foods are kind of healthy, but not in a detailed way like that. I also loved the neat way you listed all of it, easy on the eye. :)

    Great post!

  2. Hey Ben,
    thanks a lot for your comment. I'm glad to hear that you like the post! :-)
