Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Switzerland - more than chocolate, cheese and banks

In 2011, I had the unique opportunity to live in Switzerland for almost four months. Why? The high school I attended from 2008 to 2013 wanted every pupil to do an internship. Since the school is focused on communication- and media design, the internship should be interned at an advertising company or any firm that has something to do with graphic design. I applied to a company called, which had its company headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.

I have lived in Zurich for almost four months, so I dare to claim that I know the city and some characteristics of Switzerland well. Even the final assignment I wrote within my high school diploma was about Switzerland's economy and it's diplomatic relation to the European Union.

Facts about Switzerland

    • Switzerland is located in middle Europe, but not part of the EU
    • Switzerland is officially called the "Swiss Confederation" (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, CH)
    • Austria is twice the size of Switzerland, but Switzerland has almost the same population as Austria
    • Switzerland has no capital, but a federal city (de facto the capital, not de jure) called Berne
    • Switzerland consists of 26 cantons which all have a constitution of their own
    • In the Swiss Alps there are more than 73 mountains over 4,000 meters
    • There are four official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic
    • Switzerland has a direct democracy, and in two cantons they have a so-called "Landsgemeinde", where people vote by raising their hands
    • Switzerland is globally known for its stable economy and wealth
      • liberal labor market, hence a low unemployment rate
      • several successful economic sectors
      • political stability
      • good education system
    • Since 1815, Switzerland is officially a neutral state
    • Due to the fact that Switzerland has been neutral for many years, some international organizations have settled in Switzerland:
      • UNO (United Nations Organization)
      • ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent)
      • WTO (World Trade Organization)


      Zurich is located in the northern part of Switzerland. As the largest community of Switzerland, the city has a population of 379,915. Zurich lies on the north-western edge of the Zurich Lake, hence it provides loads of leisure activities like renting a boat or going swimming in the Zurich Lake. Apart from that, there are numerous other activities. Going shopping, for example, is something many tourists do. Providing that your income is accordingly high, I would recommend to go shopping in the Bahnhofstraße and enjoy the great range of goods offered.

      Going hiking on the Uetliberg is a nice opportunity to enjoy a fascinating view over Lake Zurich and Zurich. Although the mountain itself is ony 900 meters high, it's well worth a visit. What's more is that Zurich offers a great variety of museums and art galleries. One of the most known museums is the Swiss National Museum. By the way, have you ever heard of the art movement Dadaism? The movement was started in a small bar called "Cabaret Voltaire" (been there!) in Zurich in 1916.

      There are lots of beautiful churches in Zurich that give you the possibility to enter or simply take a picture from outside. In August, you can attend the Street Parade, which is one of the biggest house and techno music parades worldwide (also been there!)

      Although Switzerland is definitely worth a visit, you should spend your money wisely!

      Here are some photos I took during my stay in Zurich:

      See more photos of Zurich and other cities of Switzerland here!


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