Monday, December 2, 2013

Out of Love

Howdy again!

I have been thinking a lot lately what I could write about in my blog. Finally, I decided to tell you something about what I do within the Austrian Red Cross.

More than five years ago, I started as a Youth Red Cross member at my former school to organize small events in order to collect donations. After some time, I attended a national Youth Red Cross camp to learn more about how to organize projects and the Red Cross itself. Today, I am a supervisor at this camp, which means that I am training youngsters to become an as good organizer as I was back then.

The Austrian Youth Red Cross also organizes the International Friendship camp which takes place in Langenlois (located in Lower Austria) every year. More than 50 Red Cross/Red Crescent members, coming from all over the world, gather for two weeks in Langenlois to exchange their experiences and learn something about the other participant's cultures. Since three years, I am a supervisor at this camp as well.

Although I am still working voluntarily as a supervisor at these two camps, I have become a little too old for the "Youth" Red Cross. That's why I started the training program in October 2012 to become a paramedic. Recently, I finished all the courses and passed the final exams. Now I can proudly announce that I am a paramedic of the ambulance service of the (Upper) Austrian Red Cross.

Back in Linz, where I live, I do (night) shifts regularly. After a shift, I am always exhausted and tired, but I am glad that people placed their trust in me and that I was able to help them.

Loads of people keep asking me why I am working as a paramedic voluntarily. Here is a very nice TV spot "Out of Love", done by the Austrian Red Cross. It basically tells one very good reason for being a volunteer of the Red Cross Society.

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